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The Tall White Wall


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 by

Alone I sat on the third red step
and stared at the wall where creepers have crept.

Where once a gate, a pathway and friendly neighbour stood
stands now a tall white wall and the rest is gone for good.

Once women crossed over to talk the afternoon
now, they haven't spoken since many a moon.

The bumble bee and red flower bush have gone,
even the pleasantries between neigbours in the early morn.

A wife and a religion brought from a far off land,
where children once entered she has now banned.

The short wall has doubled in height,
the hatred snowballed, what was once just a fight.

The smiles must return, there should be an end to the frowns.
The wall can't go higher, it must come down.


Desiree Alemao said...

its so interesting your style .. it has form and everything ... *slaps*

Desiree Alemao said...

*correction .. thats *claps*

RuthSeq said...

:P thanks Des!